Take a walk. In Chinese medicine, insomnia caused by your brain’s inability to shut off the day’s stress is called “disturbed shen qi,” or a disturbed mental spirit. Releasing daytime stress before bedtime by taking a brisk walk or a warm bath is often more effective than taking a sedative.
Turn down the heat. Most people sleep more soundly in a cool room. The body needs to drop its core temperature for sleep to initiate normally. Sleep with your windows slightly open to allow the cool night air to enter.
Pump up the serotonin. Serotonin is a natural hormone associated with inducing sleep. Deficiencies in tryptophan, vitamin B6, niacin, magnesium or other nutrients can inhibit the hormone’s functioning. The best way to maintain proper nutrient levels is to eat a balanced diet. A daily multivitamin may help supplement dietary gaps. If you suspect a severe serotonin deficiency, consult your medical health professional.
Yoga before bed: Prepare your body with a few yoga positions. Lay on your back with your feet up against a wall.
Keep a journal by your bed: If you lie sleepless for more than 20 minutes, it may be due to your body’s inability to shut off the day’s stress or thoughts of an upcoming event. Keep a journal by your nightstand, write down all of your thoughts, get everything off of your mind, you can now lay back to sleep knowing your thought are now recorded and will be waiting for you in the morning to address.
Have a glass of wine with your dinner, but not after. It has been shown the slightest bit of alcohol in your system can keep you up at night.
Pray or meditate before bedtime: Releasing any thoughts, concerns or worries before bed will help you sleep. Try to develop the habit of thinking of all the blessing you have in your life and be thankful for all the events in your life. Going to bed with positive thoughts will help you sleep better.
Balance your blood sugar: If you’re not sleeping well, ask your doctor about testing your blood sugar levels. People suffering from hypoglycemia can experience blood sugar fluctuations at night. A drop in blood sugar signals the body to produce hormones and neurotransmitters that stimulate sugar release, which may wake you up. If you are hypoglycemic, ask your health care provider whether nutritional measures are appropriate for you.