Reclaiming Menopause on Your Own Terms
We spend one-third to half of our lives in menopause. Let that sink in! It’s not a blip—it’s a significant chapter in our story. And if we’re going to be in this phase for that long, shouldn’t we own it? Menopause isn’t the end of feeling sexy, confident, or powerful. In fact, it’s the perfect time to redefine what sexy means.
Sexy doesn’t have to be about tight dresses or society’s impossible standards.
It’s about showing up in the world with confidence, purpose, and a deep sense of self. Sexy might mean saying “no” to things that drain you or taking a stand for what you need. It might be the way you nurture your body, your relationships, and your own heart.
Hot flashes, mood swings, and weight changes? Sure, they’re part of the journey, but they don’t define us. We’re more than our symptoms. We’re complex, evolving beings, and this chapter—though challenging—can also be one of growth, freedom, and self-discovery.
Menopause myths? Let’s bust a few:
Myth: Menopause marks the end of feeling sexy.
Fact: It’s the beginning of a new kind of sexy—on your terms.
Myth: Weight gain during menopause is inevitable.
Fact: While your body does change, you can support it with movement, nutrition, and self-care.
Myth: Menopause means decline.
Fact: Menopause can be a time of personal growth, where you focus on what really matters.
So, here’s my challenge to you: redefine what sexy means for you. Don’t let anyone—including society—tell you what this stage of life should look like. Sexy is confidence, authenticity, and living life on your terms. You’ve earned that.
Listen to my full podcast!