As Americans we eat too many ‘industrial foods.” – food that is made within a food lab and not by Mother Nature. Two things that I think are most lacking in the American diet are good, healthy fiber and good, healthy green foods. As a country we need to shift our mindset from quick, cheap and easy foods to foods that are healthy for our body on a cellular level, foods that can reduce our chances of cancers and other diseases, and provide us with energy.
What’s Causing the Increase?
The Associated Press’s Greg Keller reports, “Franco Sassi, the senior health economist who authored the report, blamed the usual suspects for the increase. ‘Food is much cheaper than in the past, in particular food that is not particularly healthy, and people are changing their lifestyles, they have less time to prepare meals and are eating out more in restaurants,’ That plus the fact that people are much less physically active than in the past means that the ranks of the overweight have swelled to nearly 70 percent in the U.S.