Summer is all about enjoying activities outdoors and spending little time indoors. Spend more time with your kids, this summer, (believe me they grow up too quickly.) Here is a tip on how to save some time in the kitchen, make a batch of rice, oats or pasta on Sunday nights so you can store it in the fridge to use throughout the week. Have a bowl of brown rice and blueberries for breakfast. Chop up any extra veggies, open up a can of beans and toss them in your pasta or rice dish for a cold salad. Extra fruit at the end of the week? Mix it with a juice and yogurt for a smoothie. Quick dessert at night, keep Greek yogurt on hand and toss in extra fruit, oats, nuts and seeds for a delicious and healthy dessert. Extra veggies add them to a panini sandwich or omelet. Extra herbs or cheeses? Time to make an omelet.