30 Days of Ditching Drive-Thru’s

I am not against eating at a fast food restaurant, (remember we believe in 80% of the time you eat healthful foods and the other 20% eat guilt free.) The problem is the number of trips we take to a fast food restaurant in a week. According to one study American families now eat some meal or snack at a fast food restaurant four times per week. Here at Fit American Families we would like to offer you and your family a challenge! We challenge your family to eat a fast food restaurant only one time per month. This includes any meal outside the home…breakfast, lunch, and dinnner oh and snacks too. As parents teaching balance is one of our life lessons to pass on to our children. Take this 30 day pledge with me and 100 other families, to Ditch Drive-Thru’s for 30 days.


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